Prince El Hassan bin Talal Launches AI Conference in Amman Focused on Water, Energy, and Food Sustainability


AMMAN: Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Chair of the Higher Council for Science and Technology, inaugurated the conference titled “Artificial Intelligence: The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus” in Amman, setting the stage for discussions on the integrated management of water, energy, and food resources in the Levant region.

According to Jordan News Agency, Prince El Hassan emphasized the importance of employing the Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystem Nexus as a framework for solidarity and cooperation across borders in the Levant. He highlighted the need for a community similar to the European Coal and Steel Community to enhance mutual benefits and reduce competition over scarce resources in the region. The Prince urged decision-makers to base actions on reliable data and facts to achieve stability and independence equally.

During the conference, Prince El Hassan advocated for the integration of sectors to improve governance and the utilization of the nexus to serve human capital. He emphasized making local comm
unities essential in developing good governance and moving from being followers to being active citizens in the region.

Mashhour Rifai, Secretary-General of the Higher Council for Science and Technology, shared that the initiative to form expert teams from universities, research centers, and both public and private sectors was greatly motivated by Prince El Hassan’s directives. These teams have produced special reports that include current analyses, challenges, and proposed solutions within the nexus of water, energy, and food.

Additionally, the Ambassador of Germany, Bertram von Moltke, addressed the long-standing cooperation between Germany and Jordan, particularly in the water sector. He noted that Germany has contributed 6 billion euros since 1980 to water projects in Jordan, with ongoing projects worth approximately 1.5 billion euros.

The conference, organized by the Higher Council for Science and Technology, was supported by the German International Cooperation Programmes (GIZ) and funded by the Germ
an Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The event underscores an ongoing commitment to fostering international collaboration and innovative solutions in the management of essential resources.