King Abdullah II Celebrates 25 Years of Peace Leadership, Global Recognition


Amman: Throughout the 25 years since His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein’s accession to the throne, he has been a steadfast champion for peace, a defender of truth, and an advocate for justice and equality worldwide.

Recognized for his pivotal role in carrying forward the message of peace, His Majesty has been honored with twelve international awards, underscoring his significant contributions to global harmony. These accolades highlight Jordan’s transformation into a haven of security and stability under his leadership, amidst a region often characterized by conflict and unrest.

In a notable accolade of 2022, His Majesty King Abdullah II and Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah were bestowed with the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity. This honor was in acknowledgment of Their Majesties’ concerted efforts to foster human fraternity, respect for diversity, and the promotion of peaceful coexistence.

Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb, during the award presentation, commended King Abdullah for providing a distin
guished model of brotherhood and human coexistence.

His Majesty’s dedication to interfaith dialogue, the preservation of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, support for the Palestinian people, Jordan’s refuge to displaced individuals, along with Her Majesty’s focus on women, children, and the underprivileged, were highlighted as exemplary contributions to promoting brotherhood and love amongst humanity.

Pope Francis, expressing his pleasure at the awarding of the 2022 Zayed Award for Human Fraternity to Their Majesties, lauded their commitment to advancing the values of coexistence and dialogue among different religious traditions, combating discrimination, and empowering youth and women.

Their Majesties’ decision to allocate the prize funds towards settling the financial obligations of women involved in lawsuits in the Kingdom was a gesture that further exemplified their dedication to humanitarian causes.

The Zayed Award for Human Fraternity, stemming from the Higher Committee of Human Fratern
ity’s initiative, aims to cultivate the principles outlined in the Document on Human Fraternity, signed in Abu Dhabi in 2019 by Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb and Pope Francis. This document serves as a blueprint for promoting peace, dialogue, and coexistence across the globe.

His Majesty King Abdullah II’s commitment to peace and humanitarianism was also recognized in Assisi, Italy, on March 29, 2019, with the Lamp of Peace Award. This honor acknowledged his relentless efforts in championing human rights, fostering fraternity, and facilitating interfaith dialogue and peace in the Middle East and worldwide.

Similarly, on November 14, 2018, the Templeton Prize was presented to His Majesty, celebrating his endeavours to achieve interfaith harmony, safeguard Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, and uphold religious freedoms.

His Majesty’s acceptance speeches have often reflected on Jordan’s ethos of mutual respect among all religions and his personal commitment to combating extremism and promoting a
global culture of peace, harmony, and love. These principles, His Majesty has emphasized, are essential not only for the stewardship of Islamic and Christian holy sites under the Hashemite Custodianship but also for the broader pursuit of peace in Jerusalem and beyond.

His Majesty King Abdullah II’s array of international recognitions, including the Nazarbayev International Prize for Contributions to Nuclear Disarmament and Security, the Peace of Westphalia Prize, and various honors for his humanitarian efforts and support for refugees, underscore his standing as a global leader dedicated to the cause of peace, stability, and interfaith dialogue.

These awards collectively affirm His Majesty’s impactful role in fostering an environment where peace, understanding, and coexistence can flourish, guided by the noble values that have characterized his reign.

Source: Jordan News Agency