FM: Biggest threat to regional security is Israeli aggression on Gaza


Amman: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi, on Friday, warned that the region’s rising tension is caused by Israel’s ruthless aggression against Gaza, its ongoing war crimes against the Palestinian people, its violation of international law, its defiance of the will of the international community, and its flagrant violation of all moral, legal, and humanitarian standards.

Responding to a question by the Jordan News Agency (Petra), Safadi said that Jordan emphasizes the interdependence of the stability and security of the Middle East region, to which Israel’s brutal aggression against Gaza, its haughtiness, and its violations of Palestinian rights pose the greatest threat.

He added that Amman is keeping a close eye on the developments in the Red Sea region and their implications for regional security generally.

Safadi also warned that Israel by continuing its ruthless aggression against Gaza and attempting to open new fronts and draw the West into them in order
to extend the Israeli prime minister’s political career and carry out the radical racist agenda of radical ministers in the Israeli government who openly call for committing more crimes, Israel is driving the entire region towards greater conflict, tension, and wars. They deny the Palestinian people their right to live on their own land, and it is a war crime against them.

According to Safadi, the Israeli government was able to carry out its aggression and jeopardize regional stability because the international world was powerless to halt the Israeli extremism and the horrific war crimes that Israel was doing against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

He added that the international community is at a crossroads in terms of security, morality, law, and humanitarianism. It can either take accountability for its actions and put an end to Israel’s aggression and arrogance, safeguard innocent people, maintain its credibility, and ensure regional security, or it can allow the Israeli Prime Minister and the ministers
of radicalism, hatred, and racism in his government to drag the region into a regional conflict that could endanger global peace and security.

Source: Jordan News Agency