Dubai Electronic Security Center earns plaudits in WEF’s strategic report for initiatives to bolster cybersecurity talent pool globally


DUBAI: The strategic Cybersecurity Talent Framework report of the World Economic Forum (WEF) has highlighted the role of the Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) in launching significant initiatives including the Dubai Cyber Innovation Park, which aims to contribute to empowering the next generation of cybersecurity experts.

The report also praised the DESC’s Cyber Security Competency Framework (Qudraat), which, among other things, maps all cybersecurity employees in the city to the framework, linking employee assessment and evaluation with training and development.

The appreciation for DESC’s contributions comes as it continues to forge strong collaborations with key global partners including the WEF, actively supporting its Cybersecurity Talent Framework, which was launched earlier this year to address the critical global shortage of cybersecurity professionals estimated at 4 million.

The WEF also expressed its gratitude to the DESC team for their contributions to its Cybersecurity Skills Gap Initiati
ve. The team, comprising Dr. Bushra AlBlooshi, Ayesha Mohammad AlMarzooqi, Maitha Khalid Al Muhairi, Shaikha Essa Al Mheiri, Zeina Naser, and Moaza Majed Al Flasi, was praised for their significant efforts, vision, and expertise in preparing and launching the framework. Their contributions, resulting from extensive meetings with various partners, demonstrated high levels of competence and commitment to the project.

The Strategic Cybersecurity Talent Framework serves as a reference for public and private decision-makers committed to addressing the global shortage in the field and nurturing cybersecurity talent across sectors. The DESC’s efforts are part of its existing partnership with the WEF and 50 global public and private organisations seeking to building sustainable cybersecurity talent pipelines.

Commenting on these endeavours, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, Director-General of Digital Dubai, said, ‘The DESC’s efforts are part of a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing Dubai’s status as a destination of
choice for high-quality talent and a hub for innovation and creativity, especially in sectors that are vital to the country’s economic development. International partnerships are crucial for enhancing cybersecurity excellence and stability, and we are committed to strengthening cooperation and coordination with institutions in this field. Developing and honing skills in both the digital and cybersecurity sectors form an integral part of our plan to foster a new generation of national professionals equipped with the skills needed to contribute to realising our leadership’s vision for digital transformation.’

Yousuf Hamad Al Shaibani, Head of Cyber Security of Dubai, said, ‘Cybersecurity is the backbone of digital transformation, and fundamental to providing a reliable infrastructure capable of keeping pace with the evolution of this vital sector. The DESC is dedicated to enhancing Dubai’s status as the safest city in cyberspace by nurturing young talents and imparting them the technological skills and knowled
ge required to achieve this goal. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with our partners both within and outside the country to develop plans and mechanisms to ensure Dubai remains at the forefront of cybersecurity advancements.”

The Cybersecurity Talent Framework is focused on ways to attract cybersecurity talent by improving the understanding of what cybersecurity professionals do, removing barriers to entry and improving diversity in the workforce. It also calls for rethinking hiring practices by addressing challenges such as unrealistic and demanding requirements in job descriptions and misalignment between hiring managers and human resources (HR) departments.

Dr. Bushra Al Blooshi, Director of the Cybersecurity Governance Risk Management Department at the Dubai Electronic Security Center, stated, ‘DESC is a major player in global efforts to advance cybersecurity standards. We are proud of the skills of Emirati professionals who are capable of contributing to strategic planning and research t
o support the efforts of the World Economic Forum. With the digital economy becoming a fundamental component of the global economy, we remain committed to supporting Dubai’s efforts to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving field.’

Dr. Al Blooshi highlighted the critical global shortage of approximately 4 million cybersecurity professionals. ‘This gap is widening every year as companies increasingly need these skills. Cybersecurity professionals are known for their problem-solving abilities and expertise in using digital technology, which is crucial for companies across all sectors,’ she said

Source: Emirates News Agency