We won’t be battleground in clashes that are basically action, reaction between Israel, Iran, says FM, 3rd, final add


“Jordan is fine and the challenge now is to save the region from the consequences of the Israeli aggression, and we must not give Netanyahu what he wants, which is to distort and divert attention from the real crime he is committing in Gaza so that he takes international attention towards confrontations with Iran and others, we must remain clear that the main issue is the Palestinian cause, and the first priority now is to stop the massacres against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and that is to stop the aggression, so let the compass remain there and the Jordanian compass always on the right path towards, first, in terms of the current moment, stopping the aggression against Gaza and stopping the massacres against the Palestinian people, and now in the longer historical term, and beyond now, is the realization of peace, which can only be achieved through granting Palestinian people their rights, especially their right to freedom and their right to a sovereign state,” Safadi added.

With regard to the negotia
tions, Safadi said, “Unfortunately, the talk is still tactical, and the only talk is how to reach a ceasefire, and this is important and we must focus on that now, and the ceasefire must be immediate because every passing day complicates matters and many Palestinians are martyred and the destruction increases. Our position in Jordan aligns with the coordinated position of the brotherly Arab countries that any future approach must start from the rule that Gaza cannot be separated from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, and any talk must be towards a comprehensive solution to the conflict based on implementing the two-state solution, ending the occupation and establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian state and this talk hasn’t even started yet. We presented initiatives and ideas in coordination with Arab and Islamic countries, in coordination with European countries and others, and talked with the United States, but unfortunately, until now, the talk is still about the disaster that is
taking place now, which is the continuation of the aggression, the continued starvation of the Palestinians, the continued killing of opportunities to achieve peace in the West Bank and the escalation in Lebanon as well, and side battles.”

Source: Jordan News Agency