Qadi calls on ending Israel’s aggression on Gaza


Amman: During its meeting on Tuesday, the Senate’s Palestine Committee discussed the latest developments in the Palestinian territories.

The Committee’s Chairman, Nayef Qadi, said Jordan works with all its capabilities to prevent Israel’s attempts to displace Palestinians, which is a war crime, added to the occupation’s atrocities perpetrated against the Palestinian people in Gaza, West Bank and Jerusalem.

Qadi called on stopping Israel’s brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip and ending this humanitarian catastrophe with its unprecedented barbarism and its hideous consequences on the coastal enclave.

“Steps to deal with Gaza must be within an integrated plan based on the unity of Gaza with West Bank and Jerusalem and the recognition of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 lines with Jerusalem as its capital,” he pointed out.

Qadi added that this process must be carried out in accordance with the two-state solution, according to specific time frames and with real guarantees, a
nd in coordination with the Palestinian and Arab countries.

Lauding Jordan’s position as “advanced” in calling for halting aggression, he noted Jordan “fully” rejects any scenario or idea of reoccupying parts of Gaza or establishing buffer zones there.

Jordan also rejects any attempt to separate West Bank and Gaza, which constitutes an extension of the one Palestinian state, he said, adding that Amman confronts practices of extremist settlers’ violence against the Palestinian people and repeated violations of holy places in Jerusalem to prevent exacerbating the situation in the region.

Meanwhile, the committee praised the “active” role played by Jordan’s diplomacy under His Majesty King Abdullah II’s guidance, referring to its success in unifying Arab position and supporting just Palestinian demands.

The senators also said Jordan urged international community to urgently deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, rejected displacement of Palestinians inside and outside the Strip, and continued to contact
concerned parties globally to discuss efforts to stop the war and protect civilians.

The committee recommended approval of a Jordanina decision to join the lawsuit submitted by South Africa to the International Court of Justice related to Israel’s war of genocide against the brotherly Palestinian people.

Additionally, the committtee called on the Palestinians to unite at this difficult stage in their history to confront this Israeli blatant aggression, achieve their goals, and establish their independent, sovereign state on their national territory, with Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Jordan News Agency