Cabinet issues slew of bylaws


A Cabinet session held Wednesday, headed by Prime Minister Dr. Bishr Khasawneh, approved an amended bylaw for the Ministry of Justice’s administrative organization regulation for 2023. This bylaw comes in line with steps aimed to achieve governance and institutionalization of government performance monitoring and assessment processes, in implementation of the priorities of the executive program of the Economic Modernization Vision (EMV), by establishing a government achievement and performance follow-up unit and a cybersecurity department within the ministry’s organizational structure. The Council of Ministers also approved the administrative organization bylaw for the Agricultural Credit Corporation (ACC) for 2023, aimed to developing the corporation’s administrative organization system, to keep pace with national plans, strengthen its financial independence, and control expenditures. Moreover, the Cabinet approved an amended bylaw of Association of Banks in Jordan (ABJ) for 2023, to enable its Board of Directors to follow up on the implementation of its plans and programs to serve the Kingdom’s banking sector. Under the system, term of Board of Directors members is increased to four years instead of three years, while Chairman of the Board of Directors can take helmet for only two consecutive tenures. The Council of Ministers decided to approve the mandating reasons for the draft e-learning bylaw in school educational institutions for 2023, in preparation for sending it to the Bureau of Legislation and Opinion to complete the procedures for issuing it according to the rules in place. The system aims to enable Jordan’s educational institutions to resort to e-learning to support learning process, or in exceptional emergency cases that prevent teachers and students from accessing schools. Additionally, the Council approved the validating reasons for the draft administrative organization bylaw for Jordan Radio and Television Corporation (JRTV) for 2023, aimed to creating new administrative units and merging others, to ensure good workflow, raise performance and productivity efficiency, and reduce financial expenses. On the other hand, the Cabinet approved the mandating reasons for a draft licensing bylaw for home health care services institutions for 2023, aimed to regulate their work set for this purpose.

Source: Jordan News Agency