Cabinet decisions during its weekly session


Ramallah – Together – The Council of Ministers decided, on Monday, to allocate a budget of 11 million shekels for a project to green Palestine and to purchase seedlings from nurseries in all governorates.

The Council of Ministers also decided, in its weekly session held in Ramallah, headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, to finalize a number of development projects in the fields of schools, water and electricity.

It also decided to publish the Convention Against Torture in the Official Gazette, and approved the procedures of the Net Lending Unit, and the “Abjad Net” agreement to connect public schools to the electronic network and enhance the level of information security in the school electronic network, and also approved the recommendations of the Permanent Ministerial Administrative Committee.

The Council of Ministers referred the government distinction law legislation to His Excellency the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, to issue it by decree.

And he decided to allocate land in Al-Bireh for the establishment of the Sharia Sector Council building, and to form a ministerial committee to address the risks of quarries and stone saws for the areas adjacent to the quarries.

In his speech at the beginning of the session, Shtayyeh said, “The world must take all necessary measures to stop the Israeli crimes of apartheid against our Palestinian people.”

He added that the “apartheid” racist regime in Israel is not only a practice, but that Israel has enacted many laws that serve its racist regime, whether it is the national law or something else.

He pointed out that the world did not need to hear the statement of the Israeli Minister Ben Gvir in order to be convinced and ascertained of the racist ideas that shape the thought and behavior of those who today assume the reins of power in the occupying state.

The Prime Minister said that what Ben Gvir and all the pillars of the Israeli government and its affiliated militias are doing in terms of racist practices that embrace the doctrine of killing, burning, erasure and genocide, are enough for the world to stop dealing with this government, condemn its practices and activate international laws calling for boycotting it and providing protection for the people. Palestinians from these criminal practices.

He added that the apartheid regime imposed by the Israeli government makes the Palestinian consume 72 liters of water and the Israeli consume 430 liters, and that there are buses that Palestinians are forbidden to ride, and that there are buildings in which Palestinians are forbidden to rent an apartment, and that Jews have the right to build anywhere, in When a Palestinian is prevented from building on his land, his house is even demolished.

He continued: Israel claims that some Jews owned some homes in Palestine before 1948, and what about the thousands of homes owned by Palestinians that still exist to this day? What about the seized lands? What about the books and antiquities that were stolen? What about the apartheid wall that separates the Palestinian from the other Palestinian? Who made the Palestinian live in bantustans and outposts isolated from each other? What about preventing the Palestinian from accessing his land in order to impoverish him and turn him into a cheap labor force in the Israeli labor market, and push him outside his land to seize it later? What about the fragmentation of the Palestinian lands: Gaza is isolated and divided, a white area, a yellow area, Hebron is divided H2 H1, Jerusalem is surrounded by a wall, and the rest of the lands of Palestine are divided?

The Prime Minister emphasized that this fragmentation creates a torn legal, administrative and economic system, and said: “Above all of this, Palestinian family reunification was prevented. This is the height of criminality and racism. The world must take everything necessary to stop the Israeli apartheid crimes against the Palestinians. We, for our part, put this before International platforms and institutions, and we are confronting this on the ground, and the world must prevent its companies from participating in any colonial practice on our land.”

Source: Maan News Agency