Self-Reliance Composite Index Monitoring Round Report | Sustainable Social Protection and Livelihood Solutions for Severely Vulnerable Households in Lebanon, October 2022


Executive Summary and Recommendations


Save the Children is leading a consortium, INMAA, for the delivery of an EU funded project under the title of “Sustainable Social Protection and Livelihood Solutions for Severely Vulnerable Households in Lebanon” implemented in Akkar and Baalbek. The project targets vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugee households allowing them to become less reliant on social protection schemes, paving their way to sustainable pathways out of extreme poverty through focusing on productive inclusion (graduation) by bridging social assistance and livelihoods/resilience pathways and promoting self-reliance.

The program targets both Lebanese and Syrian refugee households from Baalbek and Akkar to achieve the overall self-reliance objectives of the intervention. For this, the program has four primary results for participants, linked to outcomes in social protection, livelihoods promotion, financial inclusion, and social empowerment.

Source: Save the Children